Waiting For What?

Waiting For What?

Author: Robert Fountila, M.D., D.O.

I didn't get accepted to medical school and chances are you didn't either. Statistically speaking most DO's tried and failed to get into medical school.

For some, it was grades, for others money and others simply didn't have the luxury of time. Regardless of why you couldn't go the traditional route and above all else I want you to know that you have options. Really good options.

I never set out to decode the puzzle. That is, offshore university degrees, but I did. For every step forward I took a hundred steps back. Around every corner, there were exactly what you thought would be, lies and empty promises.

I've spoken with diploma mills, people who claimed to be Nigerian royalty, and everything in between. I've been on Zoom calls with people halfway around the world who were literally sitting in a closet trying to convince me they were legitimate. 

On one call I spoke with a Dean of admissions and watched as the glue failed that held up the school logo on the wall behind him. It slowly slid down the wall like a snail until it disappeared leaving a trail in its wake. Oddly enough he was not phased by this and had no problem asking me to wire the school money immediately to ensure my seat next semester.

Do you have any idea how many of these schools don't even have facilities? I have pressed for addresses only to have Google Maps show me pictures of a hut at the end of a dirt road or worse.

In many ways, the internet has helped but its very existence also paves the way for scammers who are all too eager to send you a worthless degree from a school that never existed.

The problem isn't that you want to upgrade your credentials, the problem is finding someone you can trust. I started SimplyMD to solve this problem and I don't mind saying we're pretty good at what we do.

One of the most important things you should know is that we will never charge you a fee for our services. We pair you up with a credible, accredited, and affordable school without any bill whatsoever.

This is how we preserve our integrity and yours. We only get paid when you’re satisfied and our fees are paid by the university you are matched with. Both of our interests are aligned from the beginning.

In every bookstore there are piles of books centered around seizing the moment, not waiting, and going for what you want. There's a reason there are so many of those books in print it's hard to follow through sometimes.

You all have schedules that are demanding. Between work and family commitments who has the time to get anything done, let alone extra stuff? Yet I would submit to you that waiting will only produce regrets and if you don't believe me you can pick up one of those books about the power of taking action.

I was able to find a school and schedule that fit my life and I can do the same for you. I didn't take leave from work or lock myself away from family to do it either. It is possible to get your MD while life happens, it just takes some help.

Let us be that help. 

Your circumstances shouldn't hold you back and neither should your schedule. I've found solutions to even the busiest of calendars but you'll never know if I can do the same for you unless you take the first step.

When you make the appointment we'll see if we're a good fit and I can answer any questions you might have. From there we can begin to build a profile that will help us pair you with the right school. Next, we'll look at scheduling and travel requirements to make sure the logistics fit. Finally, we'll go over financing options and tuition schedules and wrap up with enrollment.

We won't rest until you’re enrolled in a university that meets all your needs and fits your budget. Many of our partner schools offer financing options that are flexible and can accommodate most situations.

There's no excuse to deny yourself the MD you've always wanted. Set up your free consultation today and let us help you realize the future you deserve.

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