When is the right time?

When is the right time?

Author: Robert Fountila, M.D., D.O.

Procrastination is a real problem. Look at how gyms sell memberships knowing that you’ll never show up and you’re too guilty to cancel. Talk about a winning situation for gym owners and the opposite of winning for everyone else.

This is simple marketing. Get somebody interested in something, make it seem way too good to be true, slash the price to almost nothing, and wait for the sign-ups. If gyms had to publish the actual numbers of active members vs. procrastinators who pay but never show up your head would spin.

So how is it that this is even possible? Have people turned off their brains? Have marketers figured out a way to dupe the unsuspecting public into making bad decisions? 

Sort of.

The reality is these marketers know that everyone wants to stay in shape or lose weight. It’s natural so they don’t have to convince you it’s a good idea, they just need to convince you their gym is the right choice.

That’s the real trick with marketing. There’s no discussion about whether the choice is necessary or not. Nope. The choice is about which one you’re going to choose. It’s all about making sure you make a choice, once you’re in that position you’ve lost.

Now all gyms need to do is make themselves seem like the best choice. Sounds easy huh?

Think about the casino. There are no bad choices in a casino. Once you’ve stepped inside you’ve lost. It doesn’t matter if you play games, eat food, get a massage or go to sleep. The casino wins either way. The only difference between the customers is not if they’re gonna spend, it’s how much they’re gonna spend.

So what does any of this have to do with earning your MD? Everything, that’s what.

Let’s look at the real choice, the heart of the matter. Is being an MD better than being a DO? Is that even a real question? Is that even a real choice? We would bet that all or most would welcome the upgrade if it was possible.

OK, now we’re getting someplace because the decision is really a no-brainer. Will it help you earn more? Yes. Will it help you get on staff? Yes? Will it help you get better dinner reservations? Absolutely.

But seriously, if it’s such a no-brainer why don’t more DO’s take the steps so they can earn their MD? Where do we start? It’s ridiculously expensive, and incredibly time-consuming, and it’s one of the hardest logistics puzzles you’ll ever solve.

By the time most DO’s are ready to earn their MD life has happened. That means student debt, family, kids, and the mortgage to go with it all. Oh, we almost forgot the cherry on top: your job.

So the real question isn’t whether or not it’s a good idea to earn your MD, the real problem is can you juggle it while not dropping your life all over the living room floor? We think it’s more than possible. We think the answer is right in front of you.

We think the answer is SimplyMD.

Regardless of your finances, schedule, or commitments, we can pair you with an overseas university program so you can earn your MD now and not in a future that never happens.

Our secret sauce is no secret. We work hard to place our students with accredited, affordable offshore universities that can accommodate most circumstances with minimum hassle. 

This is marketing that actually works because everyone wins. You get the degree you’ve always wanted. Our partner universities fill their overseas student seats and we collect a fee for making it happen.

And when we say we collect a fee we mean it, except it’s not coming from you. We get paid from the marketing budgets of our partner universities and not as some kind of bounty for signing you up. 

SimplyMD is the truest form of a service where everyone wins and everyone knows what the other is getting. Don’t you wish more marketing was like this?

So the next time you see a commercial for a gym, ask yourself if now is the time to stop procrastinating.

Earn your MD the easy way with SimplyMD. Book your free consultation now and cancel that gym membership while you’re at it.

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