

Author: Robert Fountila, M.D., D.O.

When I got my DO and began my radiology practice 25 years ago I had no idea how frustrating those two letters would become. I also had no idea of the huge difference between DO and MD.

I learned this the hard way. 

If you ever want to know what it feels like to be a second-class citizen, show up with your DO in a room full of MDs and watch the water separate. I could write all day about the comments, snubs, and blatant disrespect the average DO experiences but that's not what this is about. This is about how I got my MD and came up with the SimplyMD program.

When I realized that it would cost me an additional 4 years and $400,000 to get my MD it felt like I was standing at the base of Mt. Everest. Where would I find the time? Where would I find the money? How was I going to work and go to school at the same time?

It all seemed impossible.

My research led me to look into offshore universities, and what I found was an absolute mess. Sure they were less expensive but they were also a joke. If you've ever heard the phrase diploma mill you know exactly what I'm talking about. 

The vast majority of overseas schools are just diploma mills that offer zero education, zero credibility, and a zero degree that's not usable in the States at all. Those schools cater to people looking to scam the system, not practice medicine. 

Just when I was about to give up I had a breakthrough. This school checked all the boxes. It was recognized by the WHO, had a degree program that was credible in the States, and was actually affordable.

My research on this school was so positive that I thought it was too good to be true. They had flexible scheduling and a partnership with an American University where I could do my lab work and minimize the need to travel.

I spoke with their admissions office, professors, and even some students who had graduated with their degrees and were practicing all over the world. The harder I looked the more I realized that this school might actually be real.

Next, I needed to verify that if I got my MD from this school, I was going to be able to use it in the States. More good news. Not only were the degrees from this school recognized in the US, but I was able to be licensed as well.

My final concern was whether I could afford the classes. Not only could I afford them but I learned the degree would cost me literally 75% less than any other option available.

I learned this school is recognized, credible, flexible, and affordable. There were no more excuses left, I had to see for myself if this was real.

I'm pleased to tell you that I now have my MD and I'm licensed to practice in three States. Everything else also proved to be true. The school was great, the people were great, the whole experience was great. Best of all I finally had the MD I always wanted.

After I retired I knew I wanted to help people. I wanted other DO's to realize their dreams and upgrade their credentials just like I did.

SimplyMD was born. 

At no cost to you, I match qualified applicants with a handful of offshore universities that are affordable, credible, and recognized in the US. We take care of all the details from enrollment to structuring a finance plan that makes sense.

Our global network of quality schools has grown every year and so does the list of happy students that have graduated to start successful practices.

Let me take the time to get to know you with no obligations, and see if we're a good fit. If you’re ready I'll match you up with a school that I promise will exceed your expectations every step of the way.

Get started now by scheduling a call and taking your first step toward the MD you've always wanted. 

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